Launch Ramp Restroom/Boat Wash
Project Location: | Pillar Point Harbor |
Estimated Completion: | Based on available funding |
Description: | Replace the public restroom at the boat launch area and the boat wash. The District plans on applying for a grant with DBW to fund this project. |
Justification: | The restroom are over 20 years old and are in poor condition. |
Strategic Goal/Operating Impact: | 1) Comprehensive Long-Range Planning Guides District Actions and Decision-Making. |
2) Infrastructure Improvements are Guided by Comprehensive Long-Term Planning. |

February 1, 2023 Request for Proposals for design/engineering/permitting was publicized February 1, 2023. April 5, 2023 Bid Opening
Spring 2023 project put on temporary hold, we have been notified by Department of Boating and Waterways that we may be selected in June to receive a grant award for financial assistance with design/engineering/permitting. General Manager and Commissioners met with Department of Boating and Waterways Commissioners, provided tour and grant discussion. Project was approved moving forward with $400k grant for District’s design, engineering and permitting.
September 13, 2023 Green light provided by Department of Boating and Waterways to advertise approved Request for Design, Engineering and Permitting. Advertised and pre-bid conference occurred.
October 27, 2023 Bids/proposals opened Department of Boating and Waterways reviewed proposals and comparative analysis underway.
Request for Proposals February 1, 2023