Johnson Pier Reconfiguration, D, E, F, G & H Dock & Fuel Dock Replacement

Project Location: | Pillar Point Harbor |
Status: | Design/Engineering & Permitting |
Estimated Completion: | Based on available funding |
Description: | Replace & Expand Johnson Pier & D, E, F, G and H-Dock and reconfigure fuel dock. |
Justification: | To achieve the goals of safety and to efficiently operate the pier terminus for the benefit of the commercial fishing industry and its customers, the docks have exceeded their useful service life and need to be replaced. In addition, PPH operates at 98% of its capacity and the plan would add 21 additional slips to H-Dock. The fueld dock would need to be configured for the expansion. |
Strategic Goal/Operating Impact: | 1) Comprehensive Long-Range Planning Guides District Actions and Decision-Making. |
2) Infrastructure Improvements are Guided by Comprehensive Long-Term Planning. |
January 2024
95% Pier Expansion/Dock Replacement plans complete, final permitting underway. 95% plans complete for electrical upgrades and repair crossmember spalling, permitting underway.
May 25, 2022
Board considered a Change Order for M&N to add design/engineering of electrical upgrades and to repair the crossmember spalling that was identified in the GHD condition survey.
February 4, 2022
Moffatt and Nichol submitted 30% plan drawings, General Manager and Director of Operations met with Moffat and Nichol to review.