Flushing Taking Place in Princeton Area Monday - Friday between 8 AM and Noon.
Coastside County Water District
766 Main Street - Half Moon Bay, CA 94019
Ph: 650.726.4405 Fax: 650.726.5245
Coastside County Water District started flushing its water system across the entire service area.
Flushing is something that is done routinely by water utilities, but due to a recent drought the
District had to defer this maintenance. Routinely flushing the water distribution system can
improve the color, odor, and taste of tap water Flushing will take place Monday through Thursday
between 8:00am and noon in the Princeton area.
While the district flushes the water system, customers may experience discolored water. The water
is safe to use but certain businesses will not want to use it for aesthetic reasons. If you
experience discolored water, refrain from using hot water, this includes the hot water settings on
clothes washers and dishwashers. If you experience discolored water, wait an hour to let the water
settle, then try to flush your water supply piping on your property.
Go to the first hose bib on your property before the water enters your structure and turn on the
water for a couple of minutes until the water runs clear. Then go inside and turn on the cold wate
at a tub spout, at a mop sink, or at the kitchen faucet until the water runs clear. It should only
take a couple of minutes. If you have a two or three-story structure, go to the top story and turn
on the cold water at a faucet or tub spout.
If you have any questions or you are not able to get clear water, call the Water District at