Facility Maintenance Projects
An Invitation to Bid was issued June/July for electrical improvements to both Pillar Point Harbor and Oyster Point Marina.
PPH-OPM Electrical Improvements - Invitation to Bid_2017-06-28.pdfPPH-OPM Elec Improvements- Invitation to Bid-Public Notice Advert.pdf
Previous Facility Maintenance Projects:
Boat launch ramp dredging: Dredging is finished at the boat launch ramp, and it is back in full operation. Hydroseeding of the dredged material had to be redone because of drought conditions. The recent rain may help to establish the planting for the long term.
Johnson Pier sewer line replacement: The old sewer line under the Johnson Pier deck is now being replaced. A disused water line will be removed, a new sewer line will then be installed in its place, and the old sewer line will finally be removed. This approach will minimize disruption in service.
Mavericks (West) Trail erosion repair: The coastal permit process is underway for this important project. We hope to get a rapid approval to begin actual repairs very soon on the most seriously eroded part of the trail. The full project will include improved, unpaved but ADA-compliant trail surfacing, similar vehicle parking lot surfacing, and installation of a new restroom to replace the portable toilets.
Replacement of dock fingers: The coastal permit process is underway for this project, which involves replacing 11 old dock fingers with new concrete fingers, which will provide improved, more stable, and safer access to the boats.
Pedestrian trail to recreational fishing pier improvements: Stabilization of the trail’s rip rap rock support will be taken up later in 2014, following work on the other projects now underway.