Chris Tibbe, Pillar Point Harbor Master

A hearty welcome to the new San Mateo County Harbor District Pillar Point Harbor Master – Chris Tibbe. Chris holds a U.S. Coast Guard 100-ton master license, and he is a life-long boater. He likes sailing, then some more sailing, and – oh, did I mention he likes sailing?
In all seriousness, Chris is really into sailing. Most recently, he took his Cutter, the “Sir Tuffy” from Bellingham Washington to Long Beach, California as a shakedown cruise to prepare for a single handed Trans-Pac. So, you can see sailing is a big deal to him.
Chris started out working in boat yards such as Svenson’s boat works in Alameda California, where he worked for many years. He then relocated to the Pacific Northwest where he served as Harbor Master at the Port of Bellingham, a diverse and active harbor. He has also worked as a marine surveyor and independent businessman providing yacht management and captain services.
Chris is passionate about what he refers to as “this incredible place,” and the gravity of his role here at the harbor as a good neighbor and steward is not lost on him. Pillar Point, he says, remains “an unrivaled destination for residents and visitors of San Mateo County,” and he sees his role to be that of making Pillar Point the best it can be with the resources we have today.
With a personal motto that literally reads, “Make it Better,” Chris is the right person for the job. Whether that means throwing on a jacket, running out to the docks and rescuing a boat from sinking, or simply showing compassion for those he serves, improvements are the name of the game. “As long as we’re doing things to make what we have here a little better, we are helming the boat right,” Chris said. And, according to him, Pillar Point is “in the groove and sailing fast,” thanks to the efforts of the crew here who trims the sails well and keeps the ship well-balanced.