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*NEW* Map E - Sample Maps Round 2

8/28 - Additonal Draft Map Plan E added.

Please see below for proposed district maps for San Mateo County Harbor District.

Draft Maps A, B, C by Redistricting Partners. 

Draft Map Plan D by Law Offices of Melo and Sarsfield, LLP. (Public Submission)

(NEW) Draft Map Plan E by Redistricting Partners (8/28/18)

Draft Map Plan A

May contain: plot, map, diagram, and atlas
Open pdf below to zoom in on Map A
2018-08-22 Draft Map Plan A (showing city boundaries)Draft Map Plan A (proposed districts in color and with demographic data)


Draft Map Plan B

May contain: map, diagram, plot, and atlas
Open pdf below to zoom in on Map B
2018-08-22 Draft Map Plan B (showing city boundaries)Draft Map Plan B (Proposed districts in color and with demographic data)


Draft Map Plan C

May contain: plot, diagram, map, and atlas
Open pdf below to zoom in on Map C
2018-08-22 Draft Map Plan C (showing city boundaries)Draft Map Plan C (Proposed districts in color and with demographic data)


Draft Map Plan D

May contain: plot, map, diagram, and atlas
Open pdf below to zoom in on Map D
2018-08-22 Draft Map Plan D (showing city boundaries)Draft Map Plan D (Proposed districts in color and with demographic data).(Original) 2018-08-08 Draft Map Plan D (before formatting to uniform map style)


Draft Map Plan E

May contain: plot, diagram, map, and atlas
Open pdf below to zoom in on Map E
2018-08-28 Draft Map Plan E Draft Map Plan E (Proposed districts in color).